Valuable data.  Inadequate tools.
Databases & BI Tools
  • No recalc, no modeling
  • Offline processes
  • Fixed schemata, inflexible data loading
  • No grouping or mapping capability
  • Limited data size
  • Hard to maintain
  • No audit trail
  • Complexity overwhelms the tool
If your team analyzes business data, this is a familiar dilemma.

Spendata merges and extends spreadsheet and database functionality. Join other delighted analysis teams who have leveraged Spendata to deliver high value from disorganized and multi-sourced business data.

Stuff that's hard
How we handle it
Inconsistently formatted data from multiple sources
Data fields with inconsistent values and semantics
Grouping data that's different but belongs together
Responsive, re-calcable models with millions of rows of data
Passing data security, sovereignty, GDPR, HIPAA reviews
Infinite scalability, regardless of the number of simultaneous users
Preserving private analyses on shared, refreshable datasets
  • Over the last two decades, I have evaluated over 500 procurement, supply chain and back-office tech solutions, including over four dozen analysis solutions, and I've never seen anything close.

    Dr. Michael Lamoureux Editor, Sourcing Innovation
    ProcureTech Consultant/Analyst

Take control of your data

Reaching the next level of data analysis requires a new level of agility. Dashboards and BI tools won’t help. You’ll need new data dimensions and new data mappings. You’ll want to link to data of all types, and not by relating raw fields, but by relating semantically. And, you'll want the whole model to automatically recalculate when mappings, relationships, or values change — like a spreadsheet, but at database scale.

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Get value fast

Whether it’s millions of transactions from a string of portfolio companies or invoices from a single vendor, spinning up a new analysis is quick and easy, not tedious and expensive. Spendata users move from raw data to insight in minutes. Can you afford not to do this?

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Empower the organization

Custom data analyses (not generic dashboards) are where real value is generated. But changes to a shared analysis cube become obsolete when the cube is changed, a conundrum with every analysis solution. Not so with Spendata — user alterations to shared cubes are automatically preserved and seamlessly merged with the refreshed cube. Now the entire organization can produce and maintain custom analyses that stay fresh with the latest information.

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So, does Spendata do Spend Analysis?
You bet we do, because spend analysis is one of the quickest and most reliable ways to generate value from business data. Spendata spend analysis leverages all the technology advantages we've developed, making us unique in the space.

Turbocharge your existing system

Run Spendata right alongside it.
Existing systems have value and replacing them can be disruptive and expensive. Spendata can deliver the advanced capability you’re missing without disrupting anything. Existing IP can be moved over seamlessly using Spendata’s RER (reverse-engineering of rules) capability. With our unique inheritance feature, your Spendata-based analyses can be refreshed from the existing system whenever you like, without losing any of your work.

Not just one cube — many cubes

Insights come from targeted analysis.

Best practices for spend analysis have evolved beyond the concept of an all-in-one cube. The more agile approach is to create multiple cubes for multiple purposes. There is little point in lumping purchasing card spending together with AP spending; and no point at all in struggling to address the conceptual mismatch between AP data and commodity-specific invoice-level data.

With Spendata, firing up a new analysis cube for any purpose is done quickly and easily. There’s value to be found everywhere — from joining together disparate AP data during post-merger integration, to identifying overcharges at the price X quantity level.

Eliminate onboarding risk

It's easy, safe, and inexpensive to run Spendata.
With Spendata, the usual issues associated with onboarding a new system disappear.
  • There is no data security issue because your data never leaves your machine and is never transmitted anywhere. You will never have a shorter security review meeting.
  • There is no GDPR, HIPAA, or other data privacy issue because your data never leaves your machine and is never transmitted anywhere.
  • Spendata is easy to use, so time-to-value is short. Over 100 quick videos illustrate both basic use and advanced concepts.
  • Help is just a phone call away. Any mix of DIY and services is on the table.
  • At $699, there is no budgetary impact. You can evaluate Spendata for free.
  • There is no install, because Spendata runs in your browser.

Innovative Services

Any mix of DIY and services is available.
Spendata users can easily build their own cubes and analyze their own data, and many do. Spendata is designed from the ground up for independent use, with 100+ help videos as well as printable documentation. Spendata also provides affordable a la carte services such as cube building, cube refreshes, training, work-alongside assistance, and telephone support. Any mix of DIY and services is on the table. If you are short of resources, Spendata can introduce you to partner companies so you can outsource the entire process of sourcing and saving.

Increase your productivity

Use Spendata as your private tool box.
Spendata can help you get more done, faster, no matter what systems or processes you already have in place. For example, your organization might perform its spend analysis entirely with databases or other generic tools. Why not auto-family and auto-map your data before you start? Why not derive data dimensions automatically? This can save days of work. Because data moves in and out of Spendata so easily, no internal processes need to change.

vs. Spend Analysis Competitors: A Consistent Pattern

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Spring 2021
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Fall 2021
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Spring 2022
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Fall 2022
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Source: Spend Matters Solution Map/Spend Analytics 2019-2022. Spend Matters ceased publishing head-to-head comparisons in 2023.
  • Spendata is pushing the envelope by empowering end users to be spend analysis gurus.

    Pierre Mitchell Chief Research Officer, Spend Matters

Find out what Spendata can do for you and your company — risk free. Here's what industry experts are saying:

  • I have managed enterprise savings initiatives for decades. I strongly recommend Spendata to anyone who is serious about spend analysis.

    Tariq Hassan VP Procurement Services, Elevate
    Previously: CPO JPMorgan Chase, Deutsche Bank, Bank of America companies
  • Our goal is to deliver high value to clients, so we equip our people with the best technology available. Every Impendi analyst has Spendata in their toolbox.

    Geoff Farrell Head of Procurement Analytics, Impendi Analytics
    Previously: Head of Supply Management Solutions, Dun & Bradstreet
  • We leverage Spendata and it is the best Spend Cube technology that we have seen.

    Sanjay Agarwal Founder at Proacure, The (Data) Science of Strategic Sourcing
  • At FMI we are advancing the science of precision medicine through data. Informed procurement decisions also depend on better data, which is why we use Spendata to help us drill down and manage our spend effectively.

    Oscar Morera Director/Associate Director Procurement, Foundation Medicine Inc.
  • I showed a client how to use Spendata's mapping. In 35 minutes they mapped 400 million of their 1.1 billion in spend.

    Lauri Vihonen Founder,
  • Two days ago I didn't know anything about Spendata. Today I am the Queen of Spendata analysis.

    Merike Swanepoel Consultant, Partners in Performance
  • Spendata has enabled our teams to quickly analyze customer spending, allowing us to provide savings estimates in hours rather than weeks.

    Roy Anderson Previously: CPO Tradeshift, GoProcure, MetLife